22 Jul 9 essential oil hacks for everyday use
Versatility in a bottle, they name is essential oil. Few things in the world seem to have as many wide-ranging uses and benefits as essential oils. They are truly, a gift from the best in nature. Essential oils contain properties that make them highly beneficial for personal care as well as home care. Here we have curated for you a list of nine useful hacks using essential oils. (You can thank us later!)
Read on to know our top beauty hacks with essential oils.
1. Use in your make-up products for that extra nourishment
There are days when our skin doesn’t look or feel its best. For such days especially, add a drop of Rosemary essential oil to your regular primer and notice the difference. It will help give a fresher appearance to the skin making pores appear smaller and adding a healthy glow to your face.
You can also add 2 drops of jojoba oil with 1 drop of Rose or Tea Tree essential oil to your foundation for an even and dewy-looking skin. Rose essential oil is great for its anti-aging properties, while Tea Tree oil protects the skin. Peppermint oil can prove to be a wonderful addition to your regular moisturizer and can uplift your skin and spirits with its cooling and refreshing aroma. Its natural antiseptic properties also add a layer of protection to the skin.
2. Deal with that acne pronto
A breakout on the skin when you have to go out is just the worst! Acne can make us literally not want to show our face to the world. But worry not, Thyme or Tea Tree essential oils are you go-to. They help kill the bacteria that is the root cause of the acne.
You can try spot treatment using Tea Tree essential oil mixed with a gentle carrier oil like coconut, dab it on a cotton ball and apply on affected areas. Alternately, you can also create a face mist using Thyme essential oil in a toner made of witch hazel. Thyme, like Tea Tree essential oil is super effective in zapping bacteria and not allowing it to spread.
3. Make a face oil for radiant skin
Depending on your need, you can create your own recipe for a pre-bath face oil made of a carrier oil such as jojoba, coconut, or even olive oil. There is an array of essential oils you can experiment with: Lavendar, Rosemary, Thyme, Tea Tree, Frankincense, Jasmine as each of these has immense healing and revitalizing powers.
Combine around 10ml of the carrier oil with just 2 drops of essential oil of your choice. Apply on face and neck for around 20 minutes before you wash it off with a mild face wash. Follow this regimen regularly for luminous skin.
4. Get luscious locks
Our scalp and hair need both internal and external nutrients. While adequate intake of water and a healthy diets rich in fruit and vegetables is a must, so is regular oiling of hair. Regularly massage a mixture of coconut oil with a few drops of Lavender essential oil for healthy and nourished hair and a scalp that is not dry or itchy. You can also use carrier oils such as almond, olive, or argan for deeper moisturizing.
5. Use essential oils in your laundry
Add a few drops of an essential oil such as Lemon, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, or Lavender can to a damp washcloth and throw it into the washing machine with your dirty laundry. Not only will you get sweet and fresh smelling clothes, free of any mustiness, but your clothes will also get a layer of protection owing to the anti-bacterial properties in most of these essential oils.
6. Freshen your microwave oven
Microwave ovens hold smells of food that has been heated or cooked in them. If opening your microwave oven makes you want to turn your nose in the other direction, clearly it is time for it to be cleaned.
Combine 2 cups of warm water, 1 cup of white vinegar, and 10 drops of Lemon essential oil in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture inside your microwave oven and wipe off with a clean, damp cloth to reveal a clean and fresh-smelling oven, read to be used again.
7. Deodorize and clean your carpet
Carpets are often end up neglected. However, if you take good care of your carpets by cleaning and deodorizing them frequently, it increases their longevity.
For a small rug or carpet, add a 4 to 5 drops of an essential oil such as Lavender, Grapefruit, Cinnamon, or Thyme to a small bowl of baking powder. Mix it well and sprinkle the mixture on your carpet. Leave it there for around half an hour before you vacuum the mixture off the carpet. Enjoy a clean and fresh smelling carpet that makes the entire room inviting.
8. Use as an outdoor or indoor spray
One of the most useful hacks using essential oils is to combine with water in a spray bottle for outdoors or indoors. Essential oils not only create a delightful ambience because of their aroma, but also keep flies, mosquitoes, and bugs away.
9. Get your beauty sleep
Beauty isn’t skin deep. While what we feed our bodies matters, none of it comes to anything unless we allow our bodies to rest and repair. One of the best uses of essential oils is for de-stressing and facilitating deep and restful sleep. For those who find it hard to fall asleep or to wind down, diffusing essential oils is a great hack.
Lavender, Chamomile. Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, and Peppermint are some of the most popular essential oils for inducing relaxation and sleep. If you are well rested, you are bound to feel great and will always end up looking your best too.
Not only are essential oils amazing for our bodies and minds, their application extends to our spaces as well. Here are our top hacks for using essential oils for home care.
We hope you enjoy these hacks with essential oils. Let us know which one you liked the best.
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